When it comes to increasing the value of a home, many homeowners turn to remodeling and renovations to improve their home value. One area of the home that often gets overlooked is the roof. The roof of a home is one of the most important parts of the house, and it plays a huge role in the overall value of the home.
You may not realize this, but your home's roof alone can make or break your home, especially in terms of value. As such, if your roof looks outdated, consider getting it upgraded or even replaced!
Here's how a new roof can enhance your home's value greatly:
Having good curb appeal is an important part of owning a home that cannot be undervalued. It doesn't have a monetary value, but it is just as important as having people talk positively about your house. Even if you don't plan on selling your home for a while, making changes, such as putting in a new roof, can make a noticeable difference to those who pass by.
Replacing the roof on your house can greatly enhance its curb appeal. Not only will it look better, but it will also ensure that, when you put the home on the market, it is already seen as having been upgraded. Installing a new roof is a large expense, but it's worth it for the long-term value that it brings. It will be one less worry for the next homeowner and will make the house more attractive.
Not only will a new roof make your home look better, but it will also improve energy efficiency. Choosing a roof with Energy Star-certified shingles can make a big difference, as they are designed to reflect the sun's heat and reduce cooling costs. This, of course, can greatly improve your home's value.
Additionally, installing solar panels alongside a new roof can help you save money in the long run. By adding solar panels to your roof system, you are taking advantage of the latest energy-efficient technology. This can be beneficial to potential buyers if you decide to sell your house, as they will likely recognize the energy savings that come along with the purchase.
A new roof, while a costly purchase, is an excellent investment. The money you put in can be returned to you in the form of value when you resell your house. The exact amount of return can vary depending on the location, the real estate market in your area, and the market trends, but generally, you can get back around 70% of what you put in.
Also, think of how much simpler it will be to show potential buyers the project if you complete it now. In the future, you will be glad you chose to do it now.
Having a longer warranty on a roof is a great benefit for any homeowner. Asphalt shingle roofs typically come with a warranty that lasts between 15-20 years. If a house with an older roof is being sold, the warranty may be close to expiring, which makes it less desirable for the new homeowner. Having a longer warranty on the roof is an attractive feature for potential buyers.
Modern asphalt shingles of higher quality can provide exceptional protection for your home and offer a long-term warranty of up to 50 years. This can be a great draw for potential buyers, as well as providing you with the assurance that your roof will remain safe and secure for many years to come.
These are just some of the many ways a brand-new roof can greatly enhance your home's value. From offering extended warranties down to implementing new tech, all of these things are attractive to many buyers. As a result, you can get away with negotiating higher prices for your home, getting plenty of your return on investment!
Complete Roofing Systems is a roofing contractor that's fully licensed and bonded, offering quality services to meet needs and expectations. If you are looking for
residential roofing in Tucson, work with us today.
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